1. Our venues are for patrons 18+ ONLY. - Any patrons found to be under 18 will be escorted out of the venue.
2. Excessive cursing (cussing) is prohibited. - Occasional banter and silly jokes are accepted.
3. Respect all members of Staffs, Patrons and Performers - Respect anyone that is within the venue as you wish to be respected.
- Everyone is here to enjoy their time.
4. Threats, Provocation & Harassment - We strictly do not condone any form of threats, provocation and harassment.
- Should any patrons encounter such an incident, please immediately contact a staff member.
5. Keep chats clean and SFW (Safe for Work) - Any NSFW chats should be kept private, which includes ERP as well.
6. Spamming chat is prohibited. - This includes emotes spam, kindly be advised to silence the emotes chat log as well.
7. Bard performances are only allowed during non-event days and with approval of staff members.
- During days with scheduled events, bard performances by patrons are strictly prohibited unless announced otherwise.
8. /lfp or /lfm tags are only for staff members and relevant performers. - Should patrons wish to have a tag, kindly use the RP tag.
9. /Yell and /Shout are to be used by Staff members/Emcee only - ONLY for announcement or performance related topics.
10. Broadcasting of our services/performances. - Any form of broadcast via recording, livestream or Discord streaming of our performances without prior arrangement with staff members is strictly PROHIBITED.
11. Display of pets/minions/weapons are prohibited. - Kindly remove the above display to avoid potential lag for any patrons.
If any Patrons were to find someone violating the above rules and regulations, please do not hesitate to contact our staff members (tags: /lfm or /lfp)